3 min read

Phalacrognathus Muelleri

(Rainbow Stag Beetle)

Rainbow Stag Beetles are one of the world's most breathtaking beetles. With their metallic sheen, shocking colors, and the male's gigantic jaws, they are indeed an incredible sight. The enormous jaws are utilized by the rival male to battle for the chance to mate.

This species is found in the rainforests of north Queensland and, albeit not respected as uncommon, is absolutely not easily found. Adults are most typically found at the point when they fly to lights around evening time.

While the grown-ups are generally live longer, as long as a year and a half. A significant part of the life of this species is spent as larvae inside the wood of a fallen tree. The larvae (grubs) will go through three stages before they grow up as adult beetle. During the larvae stage, this species will feed on decaying wood, while as an adult, the eating routine changes to sugar-based eating containing fruits.

They are extensively pursued by experts, incredibly huge males. In spite of restricted captive reproduction in Australia, the species is presently raised in considerable numbers in Japan.


Care Guide

Food (adults): Fruits, bananas, and apples. Offer little pieces and keep replacing them to prevent fruit fermentation. Stag beetle diet consists of 3 parts of banana, 1 part of Maple syrup, 1 part of regular yogurt. Offer a teaspoon of the Stag beetle eating a diet in a little dish, dispose of and keep replacing them.

Water: Water shouldn't be provided in free form. You also need to take care and make sure not to go below the dehydration point under captive conditions.

Enclosure: Plastic tubs make an ideal enclosure for this species. The tub will require a safe cover and some ventilation. You also need to take care of the dampness level. The dampness level inside the enclosure must be kept up at levels above 70%.

Substrate: Coco-peat is an ideal substrate for keeping up adult beetles. The substrate needs to be kept damp yet not soaked. There has to be no free water pooling underneath the substrate. The substrate thickness has to be in any event 30mm to permit the beetle to the tunnel. Some thick wood might be added to this, and some little logs are useful for the beetle to stick to, and these will help to forestall the beetle flipping onto its back when meandering around on the surface.

Temperature: The safe limit for temperature for these beetles is 18 - 24°C. They will endure both higher and lower temperatures for brief timeframes. Higher temperatures will bring about substantially more movement, yet in addition, it may result in a more limited lifespan.

Life length: 12 – 18 months.

Handling: These species need delicate handling. Never coercively pull them off any surface (counting your hand), as this may result in harm to the beetle's feet or legs. Rainbow Stag Beetles have exceptionally sharp bent bone structures (hooks) on their feet and will secure in objects quite well. On the off chance that this happens, permit the beetle to unwind; at that point, encourage it forward by tenderly pushing the beetle from behind. You can tenderly lift the hooks utilizing your fingernails to urge them to proceed onward.

Adult Rainbow Stag Beetles can fly. Never handle beetles in a circumstance where flight could bring about harm, for example, close to roof fans.

Typical Issues: Adult beetles are best kept independently to forestall any battling with each other, which can cause harm to your beetle or, indeed, even death.


For more information please contact us on info@bluebeetle.com.au.

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